"St. Valentine's Day" redirects here. For the Bing Crosby collection, see St. Valentine's Day (selection).
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Valentine's Day:
Valentine's Day, also considered Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is praised every year on February 14. Starting as a Western Christian feast day regarding a couple of early saints named Valentinus, Valentine's Day is perceived as a significant social, religious, and business festivity of sentiment and romantic love in numerous regions around the globe, even though it's anything but an open holiday in any nation.
Suffering stories associated with various Valentines related to February 14 are presented in martyrologies, including a composed record of Saint Valentine of Rome imprisonment for performing weddings for soldiers, who were illegal to wed and for ministering to Christians persecuted under the Roman Empire. According to legend, amid his imprisonment, Saint Valentine restored sight to the visually impaired little girl of his judge, and before his execution, he thought of her a letter signed "Your Valentine" as a farewell.
The day first moved toward becoming associated with romantic love inside the hover of Geoffrey Chaucer in the fourteenth century, when the custom of courtly love flourished. In eighteenth-century England, it advanced into an occasion in which lovers expressed their affection for one another by presenting flowers, offering ice cream parlor, and sending welcoming cards (known as "valentines"). Valentine's Day symbols that are used today incorporate the heart-shaped layout, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the nineteenth century, transcribed valentines have offered an approach to mass-delivered welcoming cards. In Europe, Saint Valentine's Keys are given to lovers "as a sentimental symbol and a challenge to open the provider's heart," as well as to youngsters, with the end goal to avoid epilepsy (considered Saint Valentine's Malady).
Saint Valentine's Day is an official feast day in the Anglican Communion and the Lutheran Church. Many parts of the Eastern Orthodox Church also observe Saint Valentine's Day, yet on July 6 and July 30, the previous date to pay tribute to the Roman presbyter Saint Valentine, and the last date out of appreciation for Hieromartyr Valentine, the Bishop of Interamna (present-day Terni).